Freitag F.I.P Project
Freitag asked us to select people from the Florence area who reflected and identified with the values of the brand.
Our friends in Zurich asked us to select people who, in their own small way, are inclined to follow the vision of the society in which they would like to be.

Freitag defines F.I.P - Freitag Important People - as all those people who can be defined as conscious and urbanite. F.I.P's are those individuals who have an attitude of conscious consumption which is then also reflected in the way they live and understand the city.
Our F.I.P's are people who do not buy just because something is "cool" but buy a particular product because they identify with it, feel it as their own then feeling comfortable themselves.
To these people - F.I.P. (Freitag Important People) - Freitag has given a gift, a chance to receive an accessory: a backpack, a bag, or something else.
But who are our F.I.P.'s? Natalia Mazzilli, Andrea Battagli, Federica Gerini, Jaime Garçia.
Natalia is a dear friend of ours. After working in the restaurant business for a long time-as a lover of coffee and its different flavors-she now works at Ditta Artigianale, one of Florence's trendiest coffee bars. Together her son Adriano, they are a perfect combo that incredibly reflects the canons of being FIP.
Andrea, is a longtime friend and client of ours. Andrea is an architect and a DJ. He is one of the resident DJs at one of the coolest clubs in Florence, Tropical Animals. In addition, he also recently started a record label called MysticTransfers.
Jaime besides being a good friend of ours is an incredible professional skater. Together with other skaters, he trains in the legendary Florentine Skatepark of Campo Di Marte, a chill place where kids, children, and adults come together united by the same passion. Jaime, known as J, has now joined the Société Anonyme team.
The latest F.I.P is Federica is a freelance communications and social media professional. Passionate about architecture, her IG profile will make you fall in love with Florence.
Find out more about our Freitag Selection in our store in Firenze! Via G.B. Niccolini 3F.